Mag. Katharina Gartner, MA
Katharina Gartner

Sprechstunde: im Anschluss an die Lehrveranstaltungen, nach Vereinbarung.

Katharina Gartner forscht und lehrt zu expressiven Kulturen, mit besonderem Interesse für Jugend und Adoleszenz, Musik und urbanes Afrika.

Lehrbeauftragte an den Instituten für Afrikawissenschaften, Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Musikwissenschaft sowie Bildungswissenschaft, Universität Wien
Externe Lehrende, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Research Scholar, Harvard University, 2022

Research Fellow and Lecturer, University of Ghana, WS 21/22, WS20

IFK_Junior Fellow (+ Abroad), Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, 2021-2022

Prae Doc Researcher and Lecturer, Department of African Studies, University of Vienna, 2017-2020

Research Associate, Department of Musicology, University of VIenna, 2015-2018

Gartner, Katharina (2021): "Shiny shabomen. Young Instrumental Musicians in Accra, and Performances of Masculinities in Popular Music." Gender, Place & Culture, 28/6, 806-828, 23pp. (online with open access)

Gartner, K., Mitterer de Guitart, I., Asenso-Agyemang, E., Kos, W., & Bilek, R. (2024). Diagonal Stadtportrait Accra: In 40 Jahren um die Welt – Best of Diagonal Stadtporträts. Radiosendung

Gartner, K. (2019). Striving Shabomen. Young Musicians in Accra and some Reflections on the Production of Masculinities in Ghanaian Music.. 8th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Edinburgh, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich.

Gartner, K. (2008). Psychoanalytisch-pädagogisches Fernreisen: Über meine Arbeit mit Jugendlichen und Familien mit Migrationshintergrund. in H. Figdor (Hrsg.), "Denn wir können die Kinder nach unserem Sinne nicht formen ..." (Goethe): Festschrift zum 10jährigen Bestehen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Psychoanalytische Pädagogik (S. 262-288). Empirie-Verlag.

Katharina Gartner

Researcher and Lecturer on Youth, Music, and Expressive Cultures

Departments of African Studies and Musicology
University of Vienna
Fax: +43-1-4277-843251

Last Publication

Gartner, Katharina (2021): "Shiny shabomen. Young Instrumental Musicians in Accra, and Performances of Masculinities in Popular Music." Gender, Place & Culture, 28/6, 806-828, 23pp.
(online with open access)

Professional Positions in Academia

Lecturer at Department of African Studies, Department of Musicology, and Department of Education, University of Vienna
External Lecturer, University of Economics and Business, Vienna

Visiting Research Fellow, Harvard University, Spring/Summer 2022

Visiting Research Fellow and Guest Lecturer, University of Ghana, 2020, 2021-22

IFK_Junior Fellow (+ Abroad), International Research Center for Cultural Studies, 2021-22
/ University of Art and Design Linz

Prae Doc, Department of African Studies, University of Vienna, 2017-2020

Research Associate, Department of Musicology, University of Vienna, 2015-2018 (part time)

Short Bio

Katharina Gartner is a researcher and lecturer on youth and expressive cultures, with a special interest in music. She works at the departments of African Studies and Musicology, University of Vienna, and at Vienna University of Economics and Business. Her Ph.D. research focuses on young instrumental musicians in Accra, Ghana, and traces questions of “prolonged youth” and creativity in a setting of rapid urbanization, increased precarity, digital revolution and accelerated global flows.

Katharina Gartner’s work stems from an international and interdisciplinary background. She studied in Vienna, Paris, Accra, and Harvard: African studies, anthropology of music, psychoanalysis of youth and educational studies. In addition to Austria and France, her research led her to four African countries. Her scientific work is inspired by her practical experience as a counselor for youths and their families, and as a performing musician.

Afrobeat mit Fela Kuti als transkontinentalem Aktivisten

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r) & Tomi Adeaga (Vortragende*r)

17 Nov. 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public

Highlife aktuell: Junge Instrumentalisten und intergenerationelle Musikbeziehungen in Ghana

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

2 Dez. 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

“’It’s too local.’ Young Instrumental Musicians from Ghana, and some Paradoxes of Globalization.”

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

18 Apr. 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

"It's too local." Transkontinentale kreative Beziehungen in populärer Musik aus Ghana

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

26 Mai 2021

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public

Transkontinental zirkulierende Tanztrends

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

16 Juni 2020

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public

Creative Young Adulthood. Preliminary Findings on Young Instrumental Musicians in Accra, Ghana

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

5 März 2020

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

New Social Consciousness in Ghana's Young Creative Culture?

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

28 Feb. 2020

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Moderation Panel "Ubulungiswa/Justice Collective" (ZA), Chale Wote Street Art Festival, Accra, Ghana

Katharina Gartner (Selected presenter)

22 Aug. 2018

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public

Geschichten von und mit jungen Musikern in Accra

Katharina Gartner (Vortragende*r)

9 Jan. 2018

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Public

Institut für Afrikawissenschaften

Spitalgasse 2
1090 Wien