“Stichproben. Vienna Journal of African Studies” Nr. 38/2020 is available online


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Special Issue: "Histories of Pan-African Intellectual Activism"

Edited by Arno Sonderegger

Foreword by Arno Sonderegger


Ideas Matter: Framing Pan-Africanism, its Concept and History, Arno Sonderegger

“Ethiopia, Thou Land of Our Fathers!” From Ethiopianism to Pan-Africanism, Dominik Frühwirth

The Mali-Federation: A Pan-African Endeavour? Reflections on Pan-Africanism and Nationalism in Times of Decolonization, Katharina Wurzer

Exilic Pan-Africanism: Refocusing Kwame Nkrumah’s Conakry Years, 1966–1971, Tunde Adeleke

Facets of Walter Rodney‘s Pan-African Intellectual Activism during his Dar es Salaam Years, 19661974,  Immanuel R. Harisch

A Biographical Essay on Ruth Guimarães: A Black Writer in Brazil in the 1940s, Silvio Tamaso D'Onofrio & Arno Sonderegger

On the journal: ‘Stichproben – Vienna Journal of African Studies’ are published twice a year at the Department of African Studies, University of Vienna, Austria. The journal contributes to debates on recent and historical issues of African Studies, with a focus on both Africa and its diaspora. The contributions often cross the boundaries of individual disciplines. We provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange among scholars of different backgrounds and origins. The Stichproben are particularly eager to support young scholars and students in their research and publication activities. Our journal is a medium to enhance the visibility of the discipline of African Studies.

For more information on the journal and on the submission of abstracts please have a look  at our website: http://stichproben.univie.ac.at/  or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stichprobenafrika/ or contact Birgit Englert at stichproben.afrikanistik(at)univie.ac.at