Teaching Feminism, Anti-Racism and Decoloniality in Austria

28.05.2019 13:30

Workshop with Chandra Talpade Mohanty

Asma Aiad, Erzsébet Barát, maiz & das kollektiv, Esther Waithera Kieberger, Miša Krenčeyová

chaired by Martina Kopf

Tuesday, 28th May 2019, 13.30-16.00 Uhr


In Austria, feminist initiatives that link with anti-racist pedagogies and with pedagogies of solidarity across global divides, differences of class, sexual orientation and religious belief are often located outside the institutions of (higher) education. By bringing Chandra Talpade Mohanty into dialogue with feminist scholars, students, activists and artists, this workshop offers a space for refl ecting on the plurality, challenges and theoretical implications of decolonial and anti-racist feminist engagements in Austria. It aims at inciting exchange of knowledge and experience, engaging in a broader Vision of emancipation and social transformation and strengthening the academia-practice nexus.

Chandra Talpade Mohanty is Distinguished Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Dean’s Professor of the Humanities at Syracuse University. Her mission is the project of building a „non-colonizing Feminist solidarity across the borders,“ through an intersectional analysis of race, nation, colonialism, sexuality, class and gender.

Asma Aiad is a photographer, blogger and youth worker in Vienna. Her art deals with the self-image of Muslim women, with diversity and the deconstruction of stereotypes. Her exhibitions include „Hijabista - My headscarf as I like it“ (2015), and „Musliminnen in der Technik“ (2016). She is currently doing her MA
in Gender Studies.

Erzsébet Barát is an Associate Professor of Linguistics and Gender Studies at the University of Szeged, Hungary and at the Gender Studies Department, Centreal European University, Budapest. She is founding Editor-in-Chief of TNTeF: Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, the only Hungarian peer reviewed
(e-)journal publishing feminist scholarhisp.

maiz is an independent association of and for migrant women* with the aim to improve the living and working situation of migrants in Austria and to promote their political and cultural participation. das kollektiv is a place of critical educational work, of exchange, of contradiction and of collective organization.
They work i.e. in the fi eld of adult education with migrant and refugee women*.

Esther Waithera Kieberger is an Educational Expert with the Inspectorate Vienna in the areas of Teacher Professional Development, Teaching of English and African Literature, and Learning Difficulties.

Miša Krenčeyová is interested in questions of power and intersectionality and keeps deconstructing notions of empowerment in different knowledge/practice fields. As an educator, she strives at connecting theory and practice in relation to feminist and anti-racist struggles. She is visiting professor at the Department of Development Studies at the University of Vienna.

Institut für Afrikawissenschaften
Seminarraum 1