Dr. Dobrota Pucherova, BA MA


Telephone: 00421 948 047 116
E-Mail: dobrota.pucherova@univie.ac.at




Dobrota Pucherova teaches African literature at the Institute. Her specialization is in Anglophone African writing and her courses cover various topics, for example, “Race, Gender and Sexuality in African Literature”, “African Women’s Writing and Feminism”, or “Resistance in African Literature”. Her courses set African literatures in dialogue with other literatures in the world while emphasizing African specificities: for example the creolisation and hybridity of culture and identity in Africa as expressed in literature on the level of narrative, style, theme, ideas, or language.

She studied English Language and Literature at Mount Holyoke College, USA (B.A. 2002) and at University of Oxford (M.St. 2004, D.Phil. 2009), where she started specializing in African writers. She explores African literature from a comparative perspective also in her courses in the Department of Comparative Literature (Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft).

Last updated: 20.12.2021