Bachelor's degree African Studies (BA)

Institut, erster Stock. Sie sehen eine blaue Couch neben einer Skulptur aus Simbabwe und einem Bild aus Sansibar. Dieser Raum fungiert als Aufenthaltsraum für die Studierenden und befindet sich am Gang.

Aufenthaltsraum am Institut © Clemens Gütl

During the first year, students acquire basic knowledge and skills in the academic fields of African Linguistics, Literature and History through completion of courses of the introductory and orientation period STEOP. In their second or third semester, they choose one of the three before mentioned fields as their special field in which they will need to write two Bachelor’s theses in the third year of study.





  • African Linguistics involves the description of linguistic structures, the categorisation of languages and the analysis of the connection between different languages. Furthermore, this academic field studies communication problems as well as the relationship between society and language.
  • African Literary Studies analyse the work of African writers and their function in African and non-African societies. Moreover, they examine African Literature in different social spheres as media, education or development cooperation.
  • The special field African History and Societies provides an overview of certain historic topics, either diachronically or synchrolically, and encourage the analysis of politicals structures, cultural expression and social change in Africa.

In addition to the skills developed in your special field, you will develop active competence in one or two African language(s). At the moment, the department offers Hausa, Swahili and Zulu.

Language requirements
A proficient command of German is not only a prerequisite to follow most of the courses at the department of African Studies, but also an official entry requirement for Bachelor's degree programmes at the University of Vienna. However, the majoritiy of the academic literature on African Studies is not provided in this language. This is why a good command of English is also required. In addition, the command of French or of another European language may be an asset. Students are encouraged to complete parts of their studies abroad in order to acquire additional qualifications.


First-year information event Propädeutikum

At the beginning of every semester, an information event is hosted to facilitate the start for first-year students by providing support in how to structure the studies at our department and an opportunity to socialise with fellow students.

 Academic papers

All students of the University of Vienna are encouraged to read the University's policy on plagiarismcopyright & use of pictures and data protection in research.

Study plans and forms

Study plan African Studies - Bachelor's degree (BA, version 2018)

Record of examinations African Studies - Bachelor's degree (BA, version 2018)



Graduation BA

Check your electronic record of examinations including alternative extension and extension curricula (marking on u:space: "relevant for graduation"), whether all achievements are assigned to the correct modules and whether there are surplus achievements in modules. You can use the form „Prüfungspass“ linked here for comparison. In case of any ambiguities or changes, contact the Student Services Office by e-mail. 

To apply for the graduation documents, send your current transcript of records and the confirmation of completion of the statistical survey of Statistics Austria (= statistischen Erhebung der Statistik Austria) by e-mail with the subject "Ansuchen BA-Abschluss [Name] [Matrikelnummer]" to

ATTENTION: The application may only be submitted via your u:account []. Submissions from private mail addresses will not be processed.

By submitting a request by mail, you guarantee that your composite transcript will not be altered as you sent it.