PhD African Studies
After the successful completion of the Master's degree programme in African Studies, students may start a three year doctoral programme. Doctoral cadidates may choose their special field freely.
Information on PhD programmes (University of Vienna website)
Please consult one of the doctoral advisors as soon as possible in order to discuss the opportunity of a doctorate programme and draft your doctoral thesis.
At the moment, the following lecturers are authorised as doctoral advisors:
- Univ.Prof. Dr. Adams Bodomo (u:find profile)
- Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Birgit Englert (u:find profile)
- Mag. Dr. Martina Kopf, Privatdoz. (u:find profile)
- Univ.Prof. Dr. Kirsten Rüther (u:find profile)
- Mag. Dr. Arno Sonderegger (u:find profile)
- Ass.-Prof. Dr. Rémi Armand Tchokothe (u:find profile)
- Dr. lic. phil. Daniela Waldburger, Privatdoz. (u:find profile)
- ao. Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Zach (u:find profile)