Übersicht der u:africa talks im SoSe 2025
Juni 2025 | Daniela Waldburger | Universität Wien | Book presentation: « C’était bien à l’époque mais l’avenir iko sombre » - Negotiating Nostalgia with and among Ex-Mineworkers in Lubumbashi (DRC) | Chair: Rémi Tchokothe |
Juni 2025 | Henning Melber | Chair: Birgit Englert | ||
20.05.2025 | Vincenzo Straface | University of Naples L'Orientale | Chair: Martina Kopf | |
25.03.2025 | Gabriele Slezak, Jennifer Brunner, Birgit Athumani Hango, Alexander Kupfer & Clemens Gütl | Universität Wien/ ÖAW | Zwischen Sprachwissenschaft, Digitalisierung und kolonialem Erbe: Der Nachlass des Afrikanisten Walter Pichl als interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt | Chair: Daniela Waldburger |
Übersicht der u:africa talks im WiSe 2024
14.01.2025 | Elisabeth Knittelfelder | Universität Wien | Reading Water: Hydropoetics in Recent African Literature | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
19.11.2024 | Alexander Angsongna | Universität Wien | Campaign Rhetoric in Ghana: navigating persuasion and deception in political discourse | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
30.10.2024 | Onoso Imoagene | New York University Abu Dhabi | Structures Luck - How U.S. Migration Policy Affrcts Immigrants | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
Übersicht der u:africa talks im SoSe 2024
25.06.2024 ONLINE! | Abdoul-Malik Ahmad & Katharina Fritsch | Université Laval, Cesdip | The Comorian diaspora in Marseille: book presentations & discussion | Chair: Birgit Englert |
18.06.2024 | Heike Becker | University of the Western Cape | Decolonising the Public Space: Contestations of public memory and memory activism in postcolonial Germany | Chair: Birgit Englert |
12.06.2024 | Solomon Kofi Amoah | University of Ghana | The formal-informal economy nexus and its distributive consequences: evidence from Ghana's oil palm sector | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
28.05.2024 | Anna-Leena Toivanen | University of Eastern Finland | Afroeuropean mobilities in Francophone African literatures: Mobile subjects, mobile poetics | Chair: Birgit Englert |
14.05.2024 ONLINE! | Thompson Gyedu Kwarkye | University College Dublin | “We Know What We Are Doing,” The Politics and Trends in Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Africa | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
07.05.2024 | Lize Kriel | University of Pretoria | Missionary Ethnography: Indigenous Knowledge and/or African Christian Modernity? | Chair: Elisabeth Knittelfelder |
23.04.2024 | Isabella Villanova | Universität Wien | Anglophone African Women’s Fiction: Gender, Resistance, Affect, and the New African Diaspora in the United States | Chair: Dobrota Pucherova |
09.04.2024 | Rémi Tchokothe und Studierende | Universität Wien | Presentation of a students’ project/exhibition based on the course: “Rwanda 1994: Humanity’s Collective Memory(cide): 30 Years Later” | Chair: Rémi Tchokothe |
Übersicht der u:africa talks im WiSe 2023
16.01.2024 | Rémi Tchokothe | Universität Wien | Book Presentation:"(S)he Came as a Cousin and Left as a Gendarme". Balladur"Visa of Death", Kwasaa Kwassa and (Im)mobility in the Comoros | Chair: Daniela Waldburger |
05.12.2023 | Innocent Pikirayi | University of Pretoria | Climate and Environment Change in Africa, 1000-1850AD: What happend to Great Zimbabwe? | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
21.11.2023 | Noura Salah Aldeen | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | Black at the Intersection: African Palestinian Experiences under 'ihtilal - the Case of Jerusalem | Chair: Birgit Englert |
14.11.2023 | Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | Universidade de Coimbra | Documenting 'Civilised Savagery' in Africa: Photpgraphy and the Internationalisation of (Portuguese) Colonialism | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
07.11.2023 | Olusegun Titus | Obafemi Awolowo University Ife | Musicking of Human and Natural Resources: Mobility, Migration and (Dis)Placement in the Niger Delta of Nigeria | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
24.10.2023 | Walter Sauer | Universität Wien | Buchpräsentation: "Jenseits von Soliman. Afrikanische Migration und Communitybuiding | Chair: Birgit Englert |
Übersicht der u:africa talks im SoSe 2023
22.06.2023 | Richard Murengerantwari | Universität Wien | Wenn Ethnizität kein Kapital mehr ist - Burundi 2000-2020 | Chair: Martina Kopf/ Arno Sonderegger |
15.06.2023 | Linda Ammann/ Jamila Adeli | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Manifestions and communications of the "Chinese Dream" in new silk road regions | Chair: tba |
09.05.2023 | Carli Coetzee | Journal of African Cultural Studies | Journal Work as Social Good, and the Ethical Labour of Editing | Chair: Martina Kopf/ Arno Sonderegger |
25.04.2023 | Xavier Luffin | Université Bruxelles | Writing Arabic and Ajami Swahili in Congo: the Paradoxical Role of the Europeans | Chair: Daniela Waldburger |
18.04.2023 | Clement Emeka Akpang | Institute for Avanced Studies, CEU | GLOBAL CAPITALISM AND AFRICA'S URBAN REALITIES: Found Object Aesthetics as Environmental, Social and Political Activism | Chair: Martina Kopf/ Arno Sonderegger |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im WiSe 2022
17.01.2023 | Indiana Lods | Université de Bourgogne | Comparing American and South African literatures (through Afrofuturism): methodology and challenges. | Chair: Daniela Waldburger/ Rémi Tchokothe |
13.12.2022 | Dobrota Pucherova | Slovak Academy of Science/ University of Vienna | Book Launch: "Feminism and Modernity in Anglophone African Women's Writing. A 21st-Century Global Context." | Chair: Daniela Waldburger/ Rémi Tchokothe |
06.12.2022 | Marja Hinfelaar | SAIPAR (Southern African Institute for Policy and Research) Lusaka, Sambia | Research mobilities in the Covid-era: A Southern African Perspective | Chair: Kirsten Rüther/ Daniela Atanasova (gemeinsam mit der Forschungsplattform "Mobile Cultures and Societies" und doc.funds "Cultural Mobility Studies" |
15.11.2022 | Joe Abell | University of Birmingham | Ibedo tara me pacu-wu! (You are the beacons of your households!) Assertive submission among Northern Ugandan Women. | Chair: Daniela Waldburger/ Rémi Tchokothe |
08.11.2022 | Veronica Barnsley, Eric Burton, Eve Nabulya, Martina Kopf, Betty Okot, James Wachira | Universities of Sheffield, Innsbruck, Makerere, Wien, Bayreuth | Launch of SI on “African Cultural Imaginaries and (Post-)Development Thought” with Journal of African Cultural Studies | Chair: Martina Kopf |
18.10.2022 | Maroua El Naggare | University of Bayreuth | The Outsider Within: A Believing Muslim Feminist Reading of Modern North-African Cultural Productions. | Chair: Daniela Waldburger/ Rémi Tchokothe |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im SoSe 2022 (work in progress - let's exchange!)
Donnerstag, 23.06.2022 | Karlheinz Mörth, Nkosinathi Dlamini | Universität Wien | IsiZulu Teaching ǀ Learning Platform: Putting Digital Humanities to work | |
14.06.2022 | Ras Kella und Dominik Frühwirth | Universität Wien | Zimbabwe in St. Lucia Heritage of African Descendants in the Caribbean | Chair: Birgit Englert |
31.05.2022 | Bekele Gutema | Addis Ababa University | Indigenous African Political Philosophy: The Oromo Gadaa System | Chair: Martina Kopf |
10.05.2022 | Nadine Okalanwa | Universität Wien | Of Identity and Belonging – The Use of Jamaican in Dancehall Music. A Case Study of the Language Usage of Gambian Artists in the Austrian Diaspora | Chair: Birgit Englert |
03.05.2022 | Petra Weschenfelder | University of Vienna | Virtual objects in cultural heritage dialogue |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im WiSe 2021 (work in progress - let's exchange!)
18.01.2022 | Birgit Englert | Universität Wien | Die „Mbembe-Debatte“ im Kontext - Verdrängte Solidaritäten zwischen afrikanischen und palästinensischen Akteuren | |
11.01.2022 | Kirsten Rüther | Universität Wien | Dennis the Goat - ein unmenschlicher Mord an der dandy-haftesten Ziege in Umlazi 1992 | |
14.12.2021 | Anais Angelo | Universität Wien | Colonial landscape of detention sites in Africa | |
07.12.2021 | Immanuel Harisch | Universität Wien | Afrikanische Gewerkschaften und die internationale Gewerkschaftsbewegung. Institutionen, Netzwerke und Mobilität im 'Goldenen Zeitalter' des Kalten Krieges, ca. 1957–1968 | |
30.11.2021 | Bettina Mahlert u.a. | Universität Innsbruck | Enhancing the quality of sociology postgraduate teaching through decolonization: A collaboration of lecturers from Ethiopia, Nigeria and Austria | Chair: Daniela Waldburger und Rémi Tchokothe |
16.11.2021 | Erwin Ebermann | Universität Wien | Körperteile und ihr metaphorischer Gebrauch in der Bambara-Sprache in Mali | |
09.11.2021 | Nicolas Mabillard | Universität Wien | Senegalese childhoods in-between two worlds: very preliminary results and discussion |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im SoSe 2021
29.06.2021 | Students of the department | University of Vienna | Colonial Language Knowledge Production | Chair: Daniela Waldburger |
15.06.2021 | Flo Kasearu, Sara Bédard-Goulet, Manuel João Ramos | Tallin, Tartu, Lisbon | Reflections on the interplay between text and the visual: focus on sketching in travel writing | Chair: Birgit Englert/ Sandra Vlasta |
01.06.2021 | Ronnie Kasrils, and others | Solidarity in practice. Memories of international recruits on undercover missions in the fight against Apartheid | Chair: Birgit Englert | |
13.04.2021 | Aminata Cécile Mbaye | University of Bayreuth | Queer Aesthetic in Francophone Literary and Filmic Productions | Chair: Rémi Tchokothe |
25.03.2021 | Lara-Stephanie Krause | University of Leipzig | Thinking Language (Classrooms) Differently: An Experiment | Chair: Daniela Waldburger |
18.03.2021 | Rose Marie Beck | University of Leipzig | What if language is not universal? | Chair: Daniela Waldburger |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im WiSe 2020
26.01.2021 | James Maina Wachira | University of Bayreuth | Cruelty to Animals as Post-Independence Kenya's Conservation Concern in Ng'ang'a Mbugua's 'Terrorists of the Aberdare' | Chair: Martina Kopf |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im SoSe 2020
Abgesagt | James Maina Wachira | University of Bayreuth | Chair: Martina Kopf | |
Abgesagt | Eunice Imasiku | University of Zambia, Lusaka | Chair: Kirsten Rüther | |
Abgesagt | Anais Angelo | Universität Wien | Buchpräsentation | |
Abgesagt | Studierende der Afrikawissenschaften | Universität Wien | Diskussionsrunde zu "Afrikawissenschaften" | Chair: Birgit Englert |
Abgesagt | Giacomo Macola | Sapienza Università di Roma | Chair: Anais Angelo |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im WiSe 2019
29.01.2020 | Ezgi Güner | Universität Graz | Reimagining Africa in AKP's Turkey | Chair: Kirsten Rüther (in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Orientalistik) |
05.11.2019 | Yazid Ben Hounet | French National Center for Scientific Research | Parenthood in North-Africa | Chair: Petra Weschenfelder |
22.10.2019 | Felix Schürmann | Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt | Eine neue Arche für die alte Ordnung: Die Tierumsiedlungen aus dem Flutungsgebiet der Kariba-Talsperre (Zentralafrikanische Föderation), 1958–1963 | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
15.10.2019 | Paul Newman | Indiana University Bloomington | Academic Editing in African Studies: Doing it Right | Chair: Georg Ziegelmeyer |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im SoSe 2019
18.06.2019 | Tijo Salverda | Universität Wien | On Zambian ground: An analysis of an European agribusiness and its critics. | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
04.06.2019 | Rainer Voßen | Universität Frankfurt am Main | Genetische, areale und typologische Merkmale der Khoisansprachen | Chair: Georg Ziegelmeyer |
21.05.2019 | Cynthia Eshun/ Akosua Adu-Poku | University of Ghana | 'It doesn't happen to good girls': An exploration of the experiences of image bases sexual abuse victims in Ghana/ In their own voices: Children's experiences of parental imprisonment in Ghana | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
07.05.2019 | Shaban Mayanja | Universität Paderborn | Perspectives of Translation in (African) German Studies | Chair: Martina Kopf |
02.04.2019 | Yoko Peace Mamle Tetteh/ James Dzisah | University of Ghana | Social Class Manifestations in Contemporary Religious Practices in Ghana / Media Narratives of Child Abuse in Ghana: the potential for poly victimization | Chair: Adams Bodomo/ Kirsten Rüther |
26.03.2019 | Antje Daniel | Internationale Entwicklung, Universität Wien | Dekolonial und intersektional? Die Studierendenbewegung in Südafrika | Chair: Birgit Englert |
19.03.2019 | Abdoulaye Sounaye | Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin | An Ethnography of Salafism in Niamey: Uniform, Order and Distinction | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im WiSe 2018
22.01.2019 | Esther Asenso-Agyemang | University of Ghana | Patterns of Social Interactions in Transnational Families in Ghana in the Context of Innovations in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
22.01.2019 | Victoria Owusu Ansah | University of Ghana | Segmental and Prosodic Structures in Esahie | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
11.12.2018 | David Drengk | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Mehr als nur Importwaren: Eine transnationale Technikgeschichte von Schusswaffen in Westafrika | Chair: Arno Sonderegger |
04.12.2018 | Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian | University of Johannesburg/UNO | Building a Culture of Lawfulness: A Global Conversation | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
12.11.2018 | Ahmad Shehu | Bayero University Kano/University of Warsaw | The conceptualization of "mouth" in Hausa and Fulfulde | Chair: Georg Ziegelmeyer |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im SoSe 2018
05.06.2018 | Ana Nenadovic | Freie Universität Berlin | Between Silence and Enunciation. Representations of Sexual Violence against Women in Latin America and South Africa | Chair: Martina Kopf |
15.05.2018 | Nadia Mosquera Muriel | University of Sussex | Festive Traditions and Gender Relations in Venezuela | Chair: Hanna Stepanik |
08.05.2018 | Nicolas Mabillard | University of Geneva | An Inquiry into a Major Organization that translates Concepts of Working Children's Rights in Urban Senegal | Chair: Gabriele Slezak |
24.04.2018 | Tinyiko Maluleke | University of Pretoria | Accounting for the Hope in Mandela | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
20.03.2018 | Wilfried Echterhoff | Bergische Universität Wuppertal | What Could Europeans Learn from the Culture of Sub-Saharan Africa? Ubuntu Compared to W.E.I.R.D | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
13.03.2018 | Abdilatif Abdalla | Kiswahili Poetry and Society | Chair: Daniela Waldburger | |
06.03.2018 | Anette Hoffmann | 'Diese werden ins Schlachthaus geschickt.' Tonaufnahmen mit afrikanischen Kriegsgefangenen des Ersten Weltkriegs | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
Übersicht der Afrika Kolloquien im WiSe 2017
09.01.2018 | Maxima Missodey | University of Ghana | Herbal Medicines: Commodities in the Pharmaceuticalization of Health in Ghana | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
09.01.2018 | Selorn Adogla | University of Ghana | Wrongful Convictions in Ghana: An Assessment of Sociological Impacts and Prison Pathways of Exonerees | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
22.11.2017 | Cati Coe | Rutgers University | Beyond Kin Care? Inscriptions on Aging in Southern Ghana | Chair: Kirsten Rüther |
21.11.2017 | Claudia Böhme | Universität Trier | 'The Illusion of being a Free Spirit' - Die Bedeutung von Sozialen Medien für afrikanische MigrantInnen und Geflüchtete | Chair: Birgit Englert |
14.11.2017 | Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo | University of Ghana | Democratic Governance and Women's Participation in Ghana: A Critical Evaluation of the Progress | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
24.10.2017 | Steve Tonah | University of Ghana | Pastoral Migration, Conflict and Insecurity in West Africa: The Example of Ghana | Chair: Adams Bodomo |
23.10.2017 | Onookome Okome | University of Alberta | The Figure of the Mammiwata in Nollywood | Chair: Adams Bodomo |