Dr. lic. phil. Daniela Waldburger, Privatdoz.
Daniela Waldburger
T: +43-1-4277-43208

Consultation hours: Monday, 11-12 a.m.

I am Senior Lecturer for Swahili (50%) and Lecturer for Linguistics. From 03/2017-02/2020 I was a post-doctoral researcher (50%) in a project funded by the FWF (“Employment-Tied Housing in (Post)Colonial Africa”, P29566-G28).
My current book project is based on the data from project related research stays in Lubumbashi (DR Congo) where I focus on the nostalgia of the ex-mineworkers. The study covers questions of linguistic strategies to cope with the loss of income that radically changed their perceptions of life. From a methodological perspective, the study is based on a shared authority approach.

My other research interests include sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and issues of language and power (mis)use, including research methods, Swahili language and literature, Swahili varieties and transnational multilingual language use. In my dissertation (2012) on Comorians in the diaspora (Marseille), I explored multilingualism in depth. I have also taught at the University of Graz (Austria) and at the Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche de Mayotte.

Research regions: Tanzania, Kenya, Lubumbashi (DR Congo), Comoro Islands, Mayotte

International Cooperations:
I am key contact person for two international cooperations she successfully (re)established:
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (reestablished in 2020), Memorandum of Understanding.
Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya (established in 2020), Faculty Agreement.

Publications : See U:cris

I am member of the editorial team of the Swahili Forum (based in Germany) and Stichproben – Vienna Journal of African Studies.

Waldburger, D. (2024). Fragments on multilingual (in)competence. In A. Grond, A. Heiling, O. Hergenröther, & D. Unger-Ullmann (Eds.), Voicing Plurality in an Open World (pp. 77-82). Reichert Verlag.

Waldburger, D. (2021). « Il y a une erreur ici ! » Rapport sur une méthode de recherche plus inclusive dans le cadre d’un projet impliquant d’anciens mineurs à Lubumbashi. In F. Aiello, & R. Gaudioso (Eds.), Lubumbashi aujourd’hui : langues, arts et société (pp. 161-177). L'Harmattan.

Waldburger, D. (2020). House, Home, Health and Hygiene – Social Engineering of Workers in Elisabethville/ Lubumbashi (1940s to 1960s) through the Lens of Language Usage. In K. Rüther, M. Barker-Ciganikova, D. Waldburger, & C-P. Bodenstein (Eds.), The Politics of Housing in (Post)Colonial Africa: Accommodating workers and urban residents (pp. 141-166). de Gruyter Oldenbourg. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110601183-006

Waldburger, D. (2018). Social identity/identities among plurilingual Comorians in Marseille (France). In M. Carboni, & G. Sistu (Eds.), Mobility and Minorities in Africa (Vol. 3, pp. 193-214). Aracne. Nova Collectanea Africana

Waldburger, D. (2018). "Greater Swahili” teaching: The challenges of multiple teaching contexts. In Proceedings of International Conference on African Languages and Literatures in the 21st Century – “From Asmara 2000 to Nairobi 2014: New Horizons and Trends in African Languages and Literatures”. (pp. 105-113). Kenyatta University .

Waldburger, D. (2016). Swahili Sarufi 4. Facultas.

Daniela Waldburger
Department of African Studies
Vienna, Austria
Email: daniela.waldburger@univie.ac.at

Research interests

- Applied Linguistics (Sociolinguistics / Plurilingualism/ transnational language use / Discourse analysis / Language and power (mis)use / Language and history)
- Swahili language and literatures
- Swahili varieties
- inclusive research methods


Since 2020: Co-ordinator of Faculty Agreement with Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
Since 2010: Co-ordinator MoU with University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Fragments on multilingual (in)competence

Waldburger, D., 9 Feb 2024, Voicing Plurality in an Open World. Grond, A., Heiling, A., Hergenröther, O. & Unger-Ullmann, D. (eds.). Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, p. 77-82

« Périphérique » swahili - le statut et le rôle du swahili à Lubumbashi en DR Congo

Waldburger, D., 9 Nov 2023, In: Quo vadis Romania? : Zeitschrift für eine aktuelle Romanistik. 61, p. 54-66

‘C’était bien à l’Époque’: Work and Leisure among Retrenched Mineworkers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Waldburger, D., Jul 2023, In: African Studies. 82, 1, p. 24-42 19 p.

Greater Swahili – Swahili Varieties in L2+ Swahili Teaching

Waldburger, D., 6 Jun 2023, In: Swahili Forum. 30, p. 152-170 19 p.

Swahili auf Expansionskurs

Waldburger, D., 1 Oct 2022, Indaba. Das SADOCC-Magazin für das Südliche Afrika, 115, 22, p. 11-11 1 p.

« Il y a une erreur ici ! » Rapport sur une méthode de recherche plus inclusive dans le cadre d’un projet impliquant d’anciens mineurs à Lubumbashi

Waldburger, D., Dec 2021, Lubumbashi aujourd’hui : langues, arts et société. Aiello, F. & Gaudioso, R. (eds.). Paris: L'Harmattan, p. 161-177 16 p.

"There is a fault here!" - a report on a more inclusive research method in a project in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Waldburger, D. & Bodenstein, C-P., Jan 2021, In: FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism. 17, 9.

“If I would not have been imprisoned, maybe I would not have written any poetry ” - a conversation with Abdilatif Abdalla

Waldburger, D., Dec 2020, In: Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien. 39, p. 105-117 13 p.

Special Section on Literature and Literary Studies in Kenya - Preface

Kopf, M. & Waldburger, D., Dec 2020, In: Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien. 39, p. 79-82 4 p.

Tanzania: John Magufuli als Präsident bestätigt

Waldburger, D., Dec 2020, Indaba. Das SADOCC-Magazin für das Südliche Afrika, 108, p. 9 1 p.

House, Home, Health and Hygiene – Social Engineering of Workers in Elisabethville/ Lubumbashi (1940s to 1960s) through the Lens of Language Usage

Waldburger, D., 18 May 2020, The Politics of Housing in (Post)Colonial Africa: Accommodating workers and urban residents. Rüther, K., Barker-Ciganikova, M., Waldburger, D. & Bodenstein, C-P. (eds.). Berlin: de Gruyter Oldenbourg, p. 141-166 25 p.

The Politics of Housing in (Post)Colonial Africa: Accommodating workers and urban residents

Rüther, K. (ed.), Barker-Ciganikova, M. (ed.), Waldburger, D. (ed.) & Bodenstein, C-P. (ed.), 18 May 2020, Berlin: de Gruyter Oldenbourg. 236 p.

Why language matters – on ex-mineworkers' nostalgia in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Waldburger, D., 1 Apr 2020

Review of David Morton: Age of Concrete. Housing and the Shape of Aspiration in the Capital of Mozambique, 2019, Ohio: Ohio University Press. ISBN: 978-0-8214-2367-7

Waldburger, D. & Bodenstein, C-P., 7 Nov 2019, H-Soz-u-Kult Rezensionen.

Social identity/identities among plurilingual Comorians in Marseille (France)

Waldburger, D., May 2018, Mobility and Minorities in Africa. Carboni, M. & Sistu, G. (eds.). Aracne, Vol. 3. p. 193-214 22 p. (Nova Collectanea Africana).

"Greater Swahili” teaching: The challenges of multiple teaching contexts.

Waldburger, D., 2018, Proceedings of International Conference on African Languages and Literatures in the 21st Century – “From Asmara 2000 to Nairobi 2014: New Horizons and Trends in African Languages and Literatures”.. Nairobi: Kenyatta University , p. 105-113 12 p.

Rezension zu Beck, Rose Marie/ Kresse, Kai. 2016. Abdilatif Abdalla - Poet in Politics. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota. ISBN 978-9987-753-38-3

Kloudova, J. & Waldburger, D., May 2017, Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 17, 32, p. 148-151 4 p.

How to study language ideologies on the basis of digitally-mediated texts from the Greater Swahili area

Waldburger, D., Dec 2016, In: Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien. 31, p. 57 - 84 27 p.

Swahili Sarufi 4

Waldburger, D., 19 Oct 2016, Wien: Facultas. 63 p.

Ergänzungsmaterialien zum Swahili Grundkurs

Waldburger, D., 28 Sep 2016, Vienna: Facultas. 98 p.

Swahili in Eastern Congo: Status, role and attitudes.

Waldburger, D., 2016, Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide: Volume 1: Pluricentric Languages across Continents - Features and Usage. Muhr, R., Fonyuy, K. E., Ibrahim, Z. & Corey, M. (eds.). Frankfurt a.M/Wien: Peter Lang, Vol. 1. p. 149-163 15 p. (Österreichisches Deutsch - Sprache der Gegenwart , Vol. 18).

Komorisch im transnationalen Kontext

Waldburger, D., Sep 2015, Graz: Grazer Plurilingualismus Studien Forschungsbereich Plurilingualismus am treffpunkt sprachen der Universität Graz. 194 p. (Grazer Plurilingualismus Studien).

Stichproben: Sojourns Along the Way - Narrative Perspectives of Movement, Mobility and Moments in Between

Waldburger, D. (ed.) & Rüther, K. (ed.), Jun 2015, Vienna: Department of African Studies, University of Vienna . 176 p. (Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien).

Einleitung: Sojourns along the way - narrative perspectives of movement, mobility and moments in between.

Rüther, K. & Waldburger, D., 2015, In: Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien. 28, 1, p. 1-9 9 p.

The Plurilingual Repertoire of the Comorian Community in Marseille: Remarks on Status and Function based on Selected Sociolinguistic Biographies. ACAL conference proceedings.

Waldburger, D., 26 Nov 2013, ACAL Conference Proceedings. p. 261-270 10 p.

Rezension von Kokot, Waltraud; Giordano, Christian; Gandelsman-Trier, Mijal (eds.). 2013. Diaspora as a Resource – Comparative Studies in Strategies, Networks and Urban Space. Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien/Freiburg Studies in Social Anthropology/ Etudes d'Anthropologie Sociale de l'Université de Fribourg. Bd. 36. Berlin/Zürich: LIT.

Waldburger, D., 2013, Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 25, p. 96-99 4 p.

How to fill the gap between knowledge of structure and lexicon and active and passive text competence in L2+ Swahili Teaching.

Waldburger, D., 2012, Kiswahili Research And Development In Eastern Africa. Chimera, R. (ed.). Mombasa, p. 172-185 14 p.

Review of Maral-Hanak, Irmi. 2009. Language, discourse and participation - Studies in donor-driven development in Tanzania. Wien: Lit-Verlag.

Waldburger, D., 2012, Journal of Globalization Studies, 3, 1, p. 161-164 4 p.

Review of Geider, Thomas. 2003. Motivforschung in Volkserzählungen der Kanuri - Ein Beitrag zur Methodenentwicklung in der Afrikanistik.

Waldburger, D., 2003, Afrika und Übersee: Sprachen, Kulturen, 86, p. 305-310 6 p.

Intonation im Swahili.

Waldburger, D. & Geitlinger, K., 1999, Brücken und Grenzen - Passages et frontières. . Münster: LIT Verlag, p. 419-434 16 p.


The importance of language choice - the language policy of the UMHK and its present-day impact on former minerworkers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

22 Jun 2024

Gang Violence in Mayotte – Analysing linguistic representations of actions

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

4 Apr 20246 Apr 2024

University of Dar es Salaam

Daniela Waldburger (Visiting researcher)

8 Feb 202419 Feb 2024

“(S)he came as a cousin and left as a gendarme” Balladur “Visa of Death”, Kwassa Kwassa and (Im)mobility in the Comoros

Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Speaker) & Daniela Waldburger (Contributor)

16 Jan 2024

Violence on Mayotte – the role of languages on a multilingual island in the EU

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

9 Dec 2023

Epidemic Youth Violence as Relation in Mayotte

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Speaker)

20 Oct 2023

Treffen der rassismuskritischen AG am Insitut für Afrikawissenschaften (Event)

Lisa Tackie (Member), Viola Innerhuber (Member), Birgit Englert (Member), Daniela Waldburger (Member), Ulrike Auer (Member), Shona Khumalo (Member), Karlheinz Mörth (Member) & Lisa Winter (Member)

24 May 2023

Sharing on a shared authority approach

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

19 May 202321 May 2023

Vorlesungsreihe – Gesellschaft und Staatlichkeit in Afrika: Gesellschaftlicher Wandel

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Birgit Englert (Speaker)

20 Mar 2023

Centre Universitaire de Mayotte

Daniela Waldburger (Visiting researcher)

27 Feb 20236 Apr 2023

Treffen der rassismuskritischen AG am Insitut für Afrikawissenschaften (Event)

Lisa Tackie (Member), Ulrike Auer (Member), Birgit Englert (Member), Shona Khumalo (Member), Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Member) & Daniela Waldburger (Member)

23 Nov 2022

Le rôle de la ( des ) langue(s) dans la recherche - exemple d'un projet de recherche avec d'anciens mineurs à Lubumbashi

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

28 Oct 202229 Oct 2022

Les ex-mineurs à Lubumbashi (RD Congo) et la question de la nostalgie

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

20 Oct 2022

Afrikakolloquium, Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Afrikawissenschaften an der Universität Wien. 18/10/2022-17/01/2023

Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Organiser) & Daniela Waldburger (Organiser)

18 Oct 202217 Jan 2023

Centre Universitaire de Mayotte

Daniela Waldburger (Visiting researcher)

18 Sep 202227 Sep 2022

Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"

Daniela Waldburger (Visiting researcher)

1 May 20227 May 2022

Nostalgia - here /there and home / abroad - a conceptual contribution

Daniela Waldburger (Invited speaker)

18 Mar 2022

MU ACC Workshop

Michael T. Mboya (Organiser), Daniela Waldburger (Organiser) & Martina Kopf (Organiser)

17 Mar 202218 Mar 2022

Centre Universitaire de Mayotte

Daniela Waldburger (Visiting researcher)

24 Jan 20227 Feb 2022

Treffen der rassismuskritischen AG am Insitut für Afrikawissenschaften (Event)

Lisa Tackie (Member), Ulrike Auer (Member), Nkosinathi Dlamini (Member), Erwin Ebermann (Member), Birgit Englert (Member) & Daniela Waldburger (Member)

7 Jan 2022


Daniela Waldburger (Organiser) & Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Organiser)

30 Nov 2021

Swahili and French in the speech of ex-mine workers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

21 Oct 2021


Daniela Waldburger (Organiser)

29 Jun 2021

How ex-mineworkers in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, perceive kazi (work) and leisure

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

19 Jun 2021

Treffen der rassismuskritischen AG am Insitut für Afrikawissenschaften (Event)

Lisa Tackie (Chair), Ulrike Auer (Member), Birgit Englert (Member), Nkosinathi Dlamini (Member), Beatriz De Abreu Fialho Gomes (Member), Erwin Ebermann (Member), Shona Khumalo (Member), Nadine Okalanwa (Member), Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Member) & Daniela Waldburger (Chair)

18 Jun 2021

Beer, cinema, sports and women – masculinity and leisure in the nostalgic narratives of ex-mine workers in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

7 Jun 2021

Centre Universitaire de Mayotte

Daniela Waldburger (Visiting researcher)

19 Apr 202123 Apr 2021

Guest Lecture by Lara-Stephanie Krause, PhD: "Thinking Language (Classrooms) Differently: An Experiment"

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser)

25 Mar 2021

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck: "What if language is not universal?"

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser)

18 Mar 2021

Working Group on The Power of Sources in African Studies

Daniela Waldburger (Participant), Kirsten Rüther (Participant), Martina Barker-Ciganikova (Participant), Carl-Philipp Bodenstein (Participant) & Anais Angelo (Organiser)

17 Nov 2020

Toward the decocratisation of knowledge production: the "shared authority" approach in social science research

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

27 Feb 2020

Stichproben: Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien (Journal)

Martina Kopf (Editorial assistant) & Daniela Waldburger (Editorial assistant)


Swahili in the speech of mine workers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

21 Nov 2019

Experiences with “shared authority” with ex-mineworkers of the Départs Volontaire (ODV) in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Invited speaker)

17 Oct 2019

“Shared authority/shared videography” - the interaction between academic research and civil society in the case of former workers of UMHK/Gécamines’

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Carl-Philipp Bodenstein (Speaker)

23 Jul 2019

Swahili in the Speech of mineworkers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

2 Jun 2019

Sex n'Crime in der Swahili-Literatur- Von Sherlock Holmes aus Zanzibar und Sodomie durch Geister

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

17 Jan 2019

Schnittpunkt Afrika

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser) & Tomi Adeaga (Organiser)

16 Oct 2018

VAD - Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

27 Jun 201830 Jun 2018

Swahili - Eine Einführung

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

23 May 2018

Swahili Colloquium

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

10 May 201813 May 2018

Kazi na kuwa mfanyakazi - c’était bien à l’époque – conception of work and life by Gécamines workers’ in Lubumbashi

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

26 Apr 2018

"Kazi na kuwa mfanyakazi - Work as Home in Labour Settlements in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)"

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

10 Apr 2018

Africa Colloquium

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser) & Abdilatif Abdalla (Presenter)

13 Mar 2018

Sub-Saharan Africa - cities and linguistic heterogeneity: The fate of small languages

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Karsten Legere (Speaker)


4. Tagung des Netzwerks „Afrikaforschung in Österreich“

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser) & Kirsten Rüther (Organiser)

4 Dec 2017

Entscheiden, Organisieren und Sprechen vor Ort: Protokolle, Zeitschriftenberichte, Interviews zu und aus Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

23 Nov 2017

Studying Housing in Interdisciplinary Perspective

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser), Kirsten Rüther (Organiser), Martina Barker-Ciganikova (Organiser) & Carl-Philipp Bodenstein (Organiser)

9 Nov 201711 Nov 2017

Swahili Forum (Journal)

Daniela Waldburger (Reviewer)

Oct 2017

European Conference on African Studies

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

29 Jun 20171 Jul 2017

Tanzanian Soap Operas as a resource for formulaic language teaching in Swahili Second Language Acquisition

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

26 May 2017

Digitally-mediated texts in Tanzania

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

7 Oct 2016

29th Swahili Kolloquium

Daniela Waldburger (Panellist)

6 May 2016

29th Swahili Kolloquium

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

6 May 20168 May 2016

Digitally-mediated texts from the Greater Swahili area on websites and Internet forums

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

19 Apr 2016

European Swahili Workshop No. 9 “Working on/with archives and the written word in anthropology and literary studies: Perspectives on the Swahili world

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

18 Apr 2016

37th International LAUD Symposium “Linguistic Landscapes and Superdiversity in the City

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

4 Apr 20166 Apr 2016

Swahili in Eastern Congo - from a dominated to a dominating language or vice versa?

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

Jul 2015

Digitally-mediated language practices - Comorian and Mainland Swahili on websites and internet forum.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

Jun 2015

International Conference African Thoughts on (Neo - ) Colonial Worlds: Steps towards an Intellectual History of Africa

Daniela Waldburger (Panel chair)

6 Nov 2014

Greater Swahili – acceptance and limits of Swahili Varieties in Swahili Teaching

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

7 Aug 2014

Greater Swahili – preliminary observations of acceptance and limits of Swahili varieties in L2+ Swahili teaching

Daniela Waldburger (Invited speaker)

10 Jun 2014

Swahili Symposium

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

8 Jun 20149 Jun 2014

Geographischer Arbeitskreis Entwicklungstheorien (GAE) 2013: Formen der (Un)Ordnung. Konzeptionelle Zugänge zu Dynamiken von Ordnungsarrangements und Ordnungsregimen.

Daniela Waldburger (Participant)

25 Oct 201327 Oct 2013

Comorian in transnational context

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

14 Sep 2013

XIV International Conference on Minority Languages

Daniela Waldburger (Organiser)

11 Sep 201314 Sep 2013

Comorian in transnational context

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

8 Mar 2013

Komorisch im transnationalen Raum.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

17 Apr 2012

Comorien - Swahili in the Diaspora: Language shift, contact phenomena and construction of identity in a plurilingual community.

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

17 Mar 2012

Contact phenomena of Comorien varieties, Swahili, French and other languages in the diaspora - Plurilingual mode as unmarked case.

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

4 Jun 2011

How to fill the gap between knowledge of structure and lexicon and active an passive text competence in L2+ Swahili Teaching.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

18 Nov 2010

Modalität und Höflichkeit im gesprochenen Swahili.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

20 Nov 2006

Patterns of modality in political speeches of Nyerere in Swahili.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

20 Apr 2006

Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien / Vienna Journal of African Studies (Journal)

Daniela Waldburger (Reviewer)

Jan 2005

Cohesion and Coherence in Oral Literature from rural Zanzibar

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

12 May 2002


Employment-Tied Housing in (Post)Colonial Africa

Rüther, K., Waldburger, D., Barker-Ciganikova, M. & Bodenstein, C.


Journal Editing Roles

Since 2017 Member of the Editorial Team of „Swahili Forum“.
Since 2005 Member of the Editorial Team of the Africanist Journal „Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien“ (Vienna Journal of African Studies)

The importance of language choice - the language policy of the UMHK and its present-day impact on former minerworkers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

22 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Gang Violence in Mayotte – Analysing linguistic representations of actions

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

4 Apr 20246 Apr 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

“(S)he came as a cousin and left as a gendarme” Balladur “Visa of Death”, Kwassa Kwassa and (Im)mobility in the Comoros

Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Speaker) & Daniela Waldburger (Contributor)

16 Jan 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Violence on Mayotte – the role of languages on a multilingual island in the EU

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

9 Dec 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Epidemic Youth Violence as Relation in Mayotte

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Rémi Armand Tchokothe (Speaker)

20 Oct 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Sharing on a shared authority approach

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

19 May 202321 May 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Vorlesungsreihe – Gesellschaft und Staatlichkeit in Afrika: Gesellschaftlicher Wandel

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Birgit Englert (Speaker)

20 Mar 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Le rôle de la ( des ) langue(s) dans la recherche - exemple d'un projet de recherche avec d'anciens mineurs à Lubumbashi

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

28 Oct 202229 Oct 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Les ex-mineurs à Lubumbashi (RD Congo) et la question de la nostalgie

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

20 Oct 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Nostalgia - here /there and home / abroad - a conceptual contribution

Daniela Waldburger (Invited speaker)

18 Mar 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Swahili and French in the speech of ex-mine workers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

21 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

How ex-mineworkers in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, perceive kazi (work) and leisure

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

19 Jun 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Toward the decocratisation of knowledge production: the "shared authority" approach in social science research

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

27 Feb 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Swahili in the speech of mine workers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

21 Nov 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Experiences with “shared authority” with ex-mineworkers of the Départs Volontaire (ODV) in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Invited speaker)

17 Oct 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

“Shared authority/shared videography” - the interaction between academic research and civil society in the case of former workers of UMHK/Gécamines’

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Carl-Philipp Bodenstein (Speaker)

23 Jul 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Swahili in the Speech of mineworkers in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

2 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Sex n'Crime in der Swahili-Literatur- Von Sherlock Holmes aus Zanzibar und Sodomie durch Geister

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

17 Jan 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Swahili - Eine Einführung

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

23 May 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Kazi na kuwa mfanyakazi - c’était bien à l’époque – conception of work and life by Gécamines workers’ in Lubumbashi

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

26 Apr 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

"Kazi na kuwa mfanyakazi - Work as Home in Labour Settlements in Lubumbashi (DR Congo)"

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

10 Apr 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Sub-Saharan Africa - cities and linguistic heterogeneity: The fate of small languages

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker) & Karsten Legere (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Entscheiden, Organisieren und Sprechen vor Ort: Protokolle, Zeitschriftenberichte, Interviews zu und aus Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

23 Nov 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Tanzanian Soap Operas as a resource for formulaic language teaching in Swahili Second Language Acquisition

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

26 May 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Digitally-mediated texts in Tanzania

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

7 Oct 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Digitally-mediated texts from the Greater Swahili area on websites and Internet forums

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

19 Apr 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Swahili in Eastern Congo - from a dominated to a dominating language or vice versa?

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

Jul 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Digitally-mediated language practices - Comorian and Mainland Swahili on websites and internet forum.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

Jun 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Greater Swahili – acceptance and limits of Swahili Varieties in Swahili Teaching

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

7 Aug 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Greater Swahili – preliminary observations of acceptance and limits of Swahili varieties in L2+ Swahili teaching

Daniela Waldburger (Invited speaker)

10 Jun 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Comorian in transnational context

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

14 Sep 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Comorian in transnational context

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

8 Mar 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Komorisch im transnationalen Raum.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

17 Apr 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Comorien - Swahili in the Diaspora: Language shift, contact phenomena and construction of identity in a plurilingual community.

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

17 Mar 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Contact phenomena of Comorien varieties, Swahili, French and other languages in the diaspora - Plurilingual mode as unmarked case.

Daniela Waldburger (Selected presenter)

4 Jun 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Modalität und Höflichkeit im gesprochenen Swahili.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

20 Nov 2006

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Patterns of modality in political speeches of Nyerere in Swahili.

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

20 Apr 2006

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Cohesion and Coherence in Oral Literature from rural Zanzibar

Daniela Waldburger (Speaker)

12 May 2002

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Department of African Studies

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