Department of African Studies: an introduction

Birgit Englert provides an interesting insight into the African Studies at the University of Vienna. She talks about the core areas of the Study Programme, about African languages and about job perspectives.

The student representatives Nadine Okalanwa and Lisa Tackie talk about why they decided to study African Studies and they explain their tasks as student representatives (STV).



Rémi A. Tchokothe presents his research activities and explains how his work is done. He shares his thoughts on basic questions, like why and how he does his research and what the work he's doing has got to do with reality out there.

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 African Studies

African Studies as an area study programme focuses on teaching and research of the history, language and literatures of African societies.

Students acquire fundamental knowledge about African societies and about their global interconnectedness through various periods of time. We emphasize the link between academic training and the implementation of acquired knowledge into fields of practice.

Academic degrees to be attained: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA) and doctorate (PhD).